Process simulation
In order to have an advantage in the battle for market share and success against the competition, process simulation in automation is becoming more and more important. Successful companies must ensure that the costs associated with time, equipment, other investments are taken into account, and that budgets are used optimally. At its core, manufacturing simulation is an inexpensive and risk-free way to test everything from simple revisions to complete redesigns, always with the aim of achieving the production goals at the lowest possible cost. In contrast to conventional calculation analyses and forecasts, the production simulation offers a fast and efficient method of adjusting parameters and achieving faster and more accurate results. Facts from the simulation say more than numbers from the calculation.
What is a process simulation?
In the simulation, all movements of the system that include a process and their possible interaction with the different environments are digitally mapped. Keiko applies process simulations to existing or planned systems that involve material, product or information flows. This can affect the areas of manufacturing, storage, order picking or the transport of products produced.
The process simulation virtualizes parameters, their dependencies and the resulting changes along a time axis. The foundations of high-quality process simulations form the quality of the data collected, practical aspects and the intelligence of the software used.
The advantages of Keiko process simulations are:
- Optimal production processes
- Lower inventory and shorter lead times
- Cost-effective comparison of scenarios and variants
Our range of services:
- Comparison and objective evaluation of capital goods in coordination with the production system
- Analysis of the actual production system and the visualization of the key figures or deficits to derive improvement measures
- Determination of the optimal operating points for deciding on the size of systems, machines and means of transport
- Optimization of existing production structures and material flows from individual machines to entire manufacturing plants
- Optimized capacity utilization despite different probabilities and interactions in manufacturing and assembly
- Determination of the appropriate control logic and deployment strategies for manufacturing resources
- Resource-saving design and operation of the production system by state-dependent energy consumption
If you also want to recognize the undiscovered potential of your production by using simulations, name your challenge and we will find the solution for you.